Calculating Partner Basis/Capital Accounts and S Corp Shareholder Stock/Debt Basis (CPBC)

Michael J. Tucker, JD, CPA (moderator), Robert C. Lickwar, CPA, Lance G. Weiss, CPA, CVA
  • 3
  • Basic
  • Taxes
On-site : Not available; please select a webinar
Webinar : June 18, June 24
Broadcast Times

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Tax practitioners advising business clients must understand tax issues that impact pass-through entities, including rules relating to an S corporation shareholder’s stock and debt basis and a partner’s basis in their partnership interest. Equally important for partners is calculation and reporting of the partner’s capital account. This program covers S corp stock, debt basis and how they relate when losses are allocated to shareholders.

Panelists are subject to change.

Major Topics:

  • Understanding a partner’s capital account
  • Calculating and reporting a partner’s capital account on a tax basis
  • Calculating a partner’s basis
  • How to report a partner’s capital account distributions
  • Form 7203 and an S corp shareholder’s stock and debt basis
  • Form 7217 and reporting partnership property distributions
  • What is a partnership basis shifting transaction and how is it related to a partnership that has made a §754 election?
  • How and when to report partnership basis shifting transactions

Learning Objectives

  • Determine a partner’s/S corporation shareholder’s basis and address IRS reporting issues associated with determining the owner’s basis in a pass-through entity
  • Understand what a partner’s capital account is and how it is reported on the Form K-1

Accounting and finance professionals who will be advising clients regarding tax issues associated with partner and S corporation shareholder basis





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